
Monday 10 November 2014


I find it rather hard to believe that at the Tour Final Championships out of a total of 8 sets played over 50 per cent were decided with a 6-1 score line. In fact 5 of the 8 sets played were 6-1, work that one out or does the 'cream' simply rise to the top in Championships such as this ? 
Thomas Berdych has suffered two huge losses lately and he is a player in need of a head Doctor to work out why in fact he can't win against the players in front of him. He doesn't just lose against these guys, he gets smashed.
Novak served for a double 'bagel' against Thomas a few weeks back but proved he is a Gentleman after all and let him have two games. Against Wawrinka last night, a man who he pushed all the way in the Australian Open Semi's in January , he barely turned up , he won just two games again.
I thought Federer would win in straight sets as I wrote in my last chapter as he learns from a loss better than most but a 6-1 first set win against Raonic was rather brutal. Perhaps Milos was thinking just where he was , up against the best in an and of year showdown for the first time , maybe nerves played a part. His second set was more than competitive yet he failed to win a point in the second set tie breaker.
Murray was disappointing against Nishikori but at least a 6-4, 6-4 loss is a competitive loss, Murray very rarely gets belted. Cilic was very disappointing against Novak , I felt that his serve and big hitting may put the World Number 1 on the back foot initially but it never happened. Another 1 and 1 result in a tournament that should never really have one sided results to the extent we have seen so far. 
So to the next round;
Federer vs Nishikori        Tough match but Fed's net attacking may throw the 'new kid on the block's' back court game out but it should be close, Fed in 3.
Murray vs Raonic          Andy should bounce back here, providing Raonic doesn't serve too many bombs, I will go Andy in two close sets.
Berdych vs Cilic        Who really cares ?? After their first round efforts I doubt the public will care who wins, me included but I will tip Cilic in 3.
Djokovic vs Wawrinka       Big match, tough match, should be a ripper , Wawrinka to win the first but lose in 3, big call I know but Stan the Man can play and he hits it hard, match of the round.
I tipped 3 from 4 last round but way off in my set predictions, see how we go this time.......

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