
Tuesday 2 December 2014


The thing I love about writing these chapters on my earliest memories of tennis is the fact that it is factual, it actually happened. I find the whole process of writing about tennis rather soothing as it has lead me to events and situations that I found to be educational and rewarding. I have only ever done two things in life reasonably well and that's tennis and writing.
I used to get top marks in my class from early on in Primary School for my creative writing, funny how you remember certain things. My memory for the game is still rather sharp and I am enjoying putting things on this site that remind me of the sport I both love and dislike in many ways.
I refuse to teach my kids tennis, I don't want them to be as uncomfortable as I was when I first played the Albany Junior Tournament. Don't get me wrong, they can all hit a ball but I will not be going into the finer points of the game with them. I would like them to keep following team sports as they do now. Share the work load, physically and mentally.
The 10 chapters I have already written have come with little effort, the memory is there, it's simply a case of putting it in writing.
I recommend to all sports lovers who have played sport at any level, document the experiences you have had, share your thoughts, good and bad ones.
Hopefully one day my kids will read my chapters and understand why I am such an argumentative bastard, not towards them but to certain organizations and individuals. By the time I finish my current project even I may understand me a little better.
Worth a try I reckon.......

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