
Tuesday 10 February 2015


Court Talk commented on your post.
Court Talk
February 11 at 10:15am
Thank you for the question... We at court talk understand Serena did in fact throw her hopman cup runner up plate into the bin at Perth Arena after the final. An unsavoury act by a sports woman many look up to...

So there you go, that's the latest from Western Australia's Number 1 Tennis Talk Back Show. Make sure you tune in to 91.3 FM each Sunday morning from 8 am to get the FACTS on tennis.
Not the 'Walt Disney' view but the FACTS....... 

 'Chapters you have written stating Samantha Williams had thrown a prize into a rubbish bin is quite simply ludicrous and I can't image how you would think anyone actually believes you could possibly know that this took place? I do not recall seeing or hearing anything in the press regarding such an incident, so it is rather hard to believe you would have any knowledge of such a bizarre event ever taking place. I'm sure Miss Williams would be quite unimpressed to know such whimsical things were being said of her. So if you would explain why you continue to comment on famous players as if you know them personally and are qualified to make inexplicable criticisms of them, I would be very appreciative'...........

The above is part of an 'epic' that I received from an 'ugly parent' who knows nothing about tennis, hence the 'Samantha Williams' comment. This person is the one who I commented on in one of my most recent chapters. The 'Samantha Williams' incident is alive and well as I know people in the Industry who witnessed it.
I am looking forward to an apology from you whenever you are ready to eat your 'humble pie'........
Regards GT ( The bloke who apparently makes up stories for the sake of it)

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