
Friday 27 March 2015


Whilst I am not sexist I still cannot believe all the fuss surrounding the Eugenie Bouchard 'twirl' at the Australian Open this year that surely must go down as one of the all time 'biggest beat ups' of a rather innocent request by a post match interviewer that simply asked a player who doesn't mind 'twirling' for a shot on court in front of millions but felt strangely uncomfortable when asked to do it after a match while asking a couple of silly questions that is all part of the Australian Open's efforts to delve into a player's private life but let's put it into perspective as when Andy Murray was asked by Hamish McLachlan was he going to be 'free balling' under his kilt for his wedding it received next to nothing as far as publicity was concerned and in this day and age of equal prize money for both men and women you would think that there also needs to be an 'equality' of moral standards in relation to questions fired at players to go with the whole farcical idea that a best of three set match is worth the same as a best of five set match, does anyone else feel the same ?
Now that was a rather long winded story and question but read on as this one is even better as tennis seems to be a sport that continually makes headlines for all the wrong reasons including Tennis Australia's latest farcical decision to play a Davis Cup Tie on a surface that went out in the 70's with Australia's best players of the past ( no offence, there is a time and place for everything) plus is anyone following the latest hard court exploits of Aussie Tennis Professional male players who are in fact matching it with the best in the World ( apart from the top 10 who are untouchable it seems) and why are these guys subjected to the days of old plus decisions that seem to be rather 'dinosaur like' and lack any real substance apart from a word that seems to come up regularly in Davis Cup and that is 'tradition' but that should surely not get in the way of pure logic when it comes to finding a surface that would suit all Aussie Tennis Professionals and not just the older guys who may appreciate the softer surface and therefore perhaps may recover quicker for either a reverse singles or even a doubles match or is the idea of grass court tennis simply a 'romance' that Australia has had with the sport of tennis that simply cannot be replaced by any other surface due to the repetitive nature of a game that in some ways tries to move ahead but in other ways does it's best to remain static due to the more 'experienced board members' who for reasons unknown to anyone else cannot find a way to move forward due to fear of failure or otherwise that may put their own positions in jeopardy that does not seem to coincide with this country's new breed of player who in fact have proven that their style supersedes the older styles and who can in fact play on a surface other than one that is more suited to playing AFL or Cricket on or as the great Andre Agassi once said, 'Grass is for Cows'......
Anyone agree ?
Nuf said........

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