
Sunday 19 April 2015


To another 'Champ' who was boasting about their 'unbeaten' record just recently. Hey 'Champ' it's like this, others turned up and laced up the shoes, had a fair dinkum crack at the title, players a lot older and a lot younger than you.
The 'sore leg' routine has been going on for as long as I can remember, I reckon the heart needs a transplant, that may fix the 'sore leg' as well.
I am not big on the 'injury' excuse, I am 46, never had an injury, still waiting.
So to the 'hero', we are all still waiting for you to turn up and put that fantastic win/loss ratio on the line. No more excuses, grow some balls, man up, get the heart seen to. See you next season.........

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