
Tuesday 17 October 2017


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67 (55 this visit)
Exit Time:
13 Oct 2017 15:00:54
Visit Length:
38 mins 49 secs

Chrome 61.0
Funny stuff, someone took that much time to look at this site a couple of days ago. Not sure why, it's simply something I do as a bit of a hobby and on several occasions  I read what I write a day later and cringe at the content. 
I just write about whatever I am thinking at the time, my head in tennis is like a tin of worms.
Tennis has so many different perceptions to so many different people and there is no real formula for success in playing or coaching, it simply comes down to a lot of good timing and a lot of luck on many occasions.

Let's face it, there are a lot of players out there who can hit a tennis ball very well but will they end up being a World beater or a good club player ? Will it just come down to good management or a slice of luck as to where they end up in the sport ? 
Tennis is easy to take the piss out of because it's a funny industry as most are very precious with their thoughts , ideas and methods, on and off court.
Tennis in general is grossly over priced, it's a sport where if you have success it's a home run, many dollars in the bank but in reality it may be better odds trying to win Lotto.
Success in tennis is like looking for a needle in a haystack, however it doesn't stop the coaching fraternity charging an hourly rate that suggest they can make you a star.
Only a mechanic fixes something for $100 per hour, a tennis coach will take more than an hour to fix your deficiencies.....
Perspective grasshopper.........

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