
Friday 15 May 2015


I just love the way the great man Roger Federer carves up guys like Thomas Berdych, like a butcher carving a succulent steak for dinner. A score of 6-3, 6-3 I believe is an appropriate score line between these two players as one is still hungry, the other lies down and asks for his tummy to be tickled by the better players on a regular basis.
If Roger is losing to guys like Thomas then he knows his time is up, while he still gives guys like Thomas a free lesson then he knows he is still in the game. Thomas reminds me of a 'boutique' tennis player, the kind of pro who looks great, makes a lot of money but very rarely wins anything. Not hungry enough and not mentally tough enough.
I love to see these kind of results, it restores my belief in the game and my lack of respect towards players who have many great shots but who aren't interested in doing anything else but making the quarters and semis plus receiving a healthy bank cheque.
What's wrong with this ? Absolutely nothing, they are millionaires but they will not get books written about them and they will never be the types of players that people look up to when they speak of the greats of the game. If pay cheques weren't given out until the semis or finals then I am sure we would see some more hunger in certain players. Now days you only have to make the last 16 of a Slam to earn a quarter of a mil. Wilander won $275,000 in '88 for winning the US Open.
Thomas Berdych has a chance to become famous by tackling the Big 4 while they are still active yet he seems content to roll over and concede defeat on a regular basis. Have you seen Thomas hit a tennis ball ? He hits it better than most yet owns a heart the size of a pea compared to the rest. Just ask Nicolas Almagro. He knows for a fact that Thomas doesn't like a confrontation.......

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