
Wednesday 13 May 2015


To my buddy, the one who believes I have no credibility whatsoever but who keeps logging in and reading my thoughts on the game regularly, thanks mate, I hope you are learning something.
Unlike some, I don't ever treat tennis as a sport that I know everything about, in fact I know just enough to keep me studying it on a regular basis. I don't believe that I have ever suffered from 'head up one's own arse syndrome, (HUOOAS) unlike many, I simply have opinions and theories.
Just like a recent chapter suggested, I am not interested in posting chapters and waiting for 300 replies to my 'genius' ideas so I can sleep better at night with a swollen ego.
I do not post things on my Facebook page bragging about how good I am, I will leave that up to the breed of people who suffer from HUOOAS.
Yes I have posted the occasional chapter on us old blokes still being able to beat the young fellas but I don't call that HUOOAS, I call that longevity and having the balls to still give the sport a go. Fear of failure has never been in my repertoire, failure to set an on court example if my body is still willing however bothers me.
It's like my good buddy Patsy once told me "Thommo, it aint how good you were buddy, it's how good you can still be". Well said Brett Patten ( former World Number 1, 35-40 age group ). Patsy inspires me to keep playing.
For some reason however this site still attracts some viewing, not sure why, I am a nobody who has simply hit a few tennis balls in my time. I am no one who has some theories that go around in my head regularly, I find that putting them on paper helps me sleep better.
The one and only time I may go to bed with a swollen ego could be in January if I am fortunate enough to find a strong enough partner to carry me through the Albany Open for a win. This year was a good year.
I sometimes write chapters after a few beers, go to bed thinking it was great then wake up the next morning and delete it. At least it got the idea out of my head while it was bothering me.
I have not had any complaints for a while, I must be mellowing with my content. Part of me however misses that argy- bargy as I treat it like a game of tennis, it's fun to have a 'rally' against 'people' who don't like me.
I don't write much anymore because the sport doesn't bother me as much as it used to and the nit wits who once pissed me off are finally becoming less attractive to comment on. Call it 'mid-life calmness' if there is such a thing.
Thanks for tuning in, I will do my best to come up with some theories from time to time but it won't be like before when the mouse was running on the treadmill at World record pace.
Someone once told me I would mellow eventually, didn't think it would happen......

Regards GT

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