
Monday 11 December 2017


Yes folks it's that time of year again, holiday season, time for taking a break from everything you do in life, however for some it's 'Business as Usual'.
Just ask the many 'Tennis Coaches' out there who couldn't possibly shut up shop for a week or two due to the 'easiness' of gaining an income while they put their feet up.
I have seen and heard of many rather funny stories over the years regarding 'Assistant Coaches' running programs and clinics while the 'Guru' is away and one thing is for certain, it is not regulated by Tennis Australia. 
In other words, as I state many times on this site and I will once again, it is a FREE FOR ALL.
Anyone can do anything in this Country in tennis which I have proven to be true particularly when I stated that Tennis Australia 'Certified Tennis Coaches' were also aligned to the ATPCA ( Australian Tennis Professional Coaches Association ).
Nothing wrong with it ?
Depends which way you look at it.
If you are receiving funding from TA to manage your programs then why are you also a paid up member of the ATPCA who have nothing to do with TA and in fact write some rather nasty things about each other from time to time ?
You don't do anything that the ATPCA suggests yet you pay around $200 per year to them just so it looks good on your resume.
Bit silly isn't it ?
Anyhow let's get back to the headline.
The 'Assistant Coach' has been around from the beginning of time and some are actually worth their weight in gold, others are simply 'ball hitters', people who can play tennis yet have very little understanding on how to teach the sport yet can get paid around $25 - $30 per hour for simply hitting balls. 
Remember most assistants get paid a flat rate while the 'Head Coach' gets the other half of the lesson cost while he or she does something else with their time.
Nothing wrong with it ?
Depends which way you look at it.
What it does is take the piss out of the Industry itself as the unsuspecting consumer can part with as much as $60 - $80 hard earned for an hour of bullshit from someone who has no idea on how to correct shot deficiencies.
I met up with some holiday makers around this time last year, friends of friends, which is rather funny when you think about it as I don't have many friends. Anyhow this is what transpired.
We hit some balls.
One parent says to me " What did you just do " ?
What do you mean ?
" You just picked up that 'Tommy' was hitting his backhand with the wrong grip".
Your point is ?
"Well last time we had a holiday coaching session we likened it to a hit up ".
Join the long queue buddy, happens all the time. 
Don't tell me, you got some young guy or girl with all the gear on who looked a million bucks but delivered around $60 - $80 worth of 'brilliance' that had you and your wife scratching your heads about the 'value' of what just happened ?
So the 'Head Coach' was away but young 'Rafael' was recommended by the Head Coach as someone who used to be ranked highly, hits a great tennis ball and 'your child will be in safe hands'.....
Whether you think I am full of sh.. or not it's like this, it is the biggest problem with tennis in our Country and no one does anything about it. The game is being 'taught' minimally by 'Head Coaches' and extensively by assistant ball hitters who know nothing about tennis.
Head Coaches can only see a certain amount of students per term. In fact I have heard that some kids DO NOT SEE THE HEAD COACH AT ALL during a term and their parents pay the same amount as some who see the 'Zen Master' regularly.
Tennis Coaching is a money making Industry that is so far out of control that no one knows what is the right or wrong thing as far as acceptable tuition and hourly pricing is concerned as there is no blueprint to follow. 
Anything goes now.
If I was to go to ten tennis clubs over the State of Western Australia I may pay 5 different prices and get taught 5 different things on ONE SHOT. 
Who am I being taught by ?
A TA 'Zen Master' or an ATPCA 'Guru' ?
What is the correct way to hit a two handed backhand and why will a 63 year old Coach of 43 years teach me how to hit a ball a certain way and charge me $45 per hour where a 21 year old 'Coach' ( or is that a ball hitter ? ) with fancy clothes who has been in the game '5' minutes will teach me something completely different and charge me up to $80 for the hour ?
Anyone for regulation ?
Fair dinkum comedy routine........

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