
Friday 8 December 2017


And once again I reiterate, ( as I do quite often on this site) , I do not believe I am being too hard on Roger Rasheed over my lashing of the pricing of his tennis clinic coming up over the holiday break.
Quite frankly I think it is a disgrace.
Tennis Australia what do you think ?
The price of $50 per student per hour is around the same cost that many tennis coaches charge for a ONE ON ONE lesson for an hour which I suppose is one of the cheaper hourly rates now days. 
The problem with that price I believe is this, it's over priced for group coaching. For a one on one, well that's actually great value now days.
If a tennis coach offers a five hour coaching clinic I believe most parents would expect to pay around $20 to $25 per hour or $125 maximum for the entire 5 hours. If a coach charges that price per student per hour in a group of say 4-6 students, you do the sums on that , nice pay day if you can get it.
$50 per hour, or $250 for the 5 hours is taking the piss, it's unrealistic and it's unaffordable for most.
Remember though with Mr Rasheed, it's TWO DAYS, that's $500.
So what is it with tennis coaching ? Is it the rare chance that a kid may break through the thousands of hopefuls and become a tennis professional ? 
Or is it just simply the fact that there are many coaches out there who believe that their ways of teaching are worth an exorbitant hourly rate which will make them sleep easier at night due to the 'brilliance' they have shared that day ?

Tennis is a sport that requires a rare mind to win consistently at any age , at any level. Forget technical expertise, that's not even half the issue with tennis.
Jimmy connors once stated that tennis is "90 percent mental".
Jimmy would know, he owns a record not even Federer will beat, 109 tennis tournament victories on the World tour. Jimbo was a rarity, a genius at the mind game and far from technically brilliant.
Now there's a guy who could charge $50 per hour in a group lesson.......   
The following is an example of where the game is at now days and if you believe the literature that is dished up then I suppose you will be happy to part with your hard earned $$.

"Greatness is found under extreme pressures. A cornerstone of my coaching is to help you realize how to be at your best, engaging confidence and positivity in these stressful environments. Within the context of sustainability and stability, we work together to create a vision, mapping a pathway to success which includes daily performance milestones in an effort to achieve the desired future outcome."
Roger Rasheed
That's just part of a spiel from the Roger Rasheed website.
Heard it all before ?
I have.
Typical tennis, over priced, self- absorption at it's very best.......

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