
Thursday 7 December 2017


I saw an article on the morning news today regarding Bernard Tomic's decision to skip the Wild Card Playoff and focus on trying to make it through the qualification rounds for the Australian Open. It wasn't really big news and it really didn't surprise me however I found the 'highlight' reel during the news article to be somewhat humorous. 
While the huge 'news' was being read there were several 'highlights' of Bernard playing.
Check this out.
In one point he was playing Andy Roddick and they only ever played once, at the US Open in 2012 where Roddick destroyed Tomic in straight. The point was a 'cat and mouse' type where there were a few silly angles played and Andy won the point. It was not overly flattering, it was a fairly ordinary point. 
But from 2012 ??
Another point showed Bernard hitting almost the net post with a shanked forehand.
Do you see where I am going with this ?
WTF was the agenda of whoever it was to post this 'great news' article on Bernard Tomic depicting him as someone who looks awkward on a tennis court ?
We all know that Bernie is struggling in the World of tennis but to actually show points of him looking silly ??
Oh please, have we really resorted to this type of garbage ?
I recall once when the great Boris Becker was making his way up the World tennis rankings as a teenager and he owned a unique celebration when he would win a point, or a tournament for that matter, a double fist pump and a shuffle of the feet.
The 'Becker Shuffle' to be more precise.
Anyhow there was a true story of a bloke taking offence to Becker's ways on court to such an extent that he in fact made a video of Becker's worst shots, true story. Would be worth a look now days wouldn't it ?
Not sure whatever became of that video however that guy who made it got it all off his chest obviously. 
No point bottling it up, we may explode one day, trust me I have done it in the past, got me into all sorts of trouble with my local Tennis Association. 
Such is life.
Anyhow back to Bernie and that fantastic news article this morning showing 'the best of Tomic'.
Whoever put that article together, good on you buddy, a fantastic piece of gutter journalism designed to show a sportsperson making mistakes. I bet it took a while to find that forehand error from 2012, well done on your CSI like investigation as you searched far and wide for something that the public would look at and say 'What a shit shot'.
Personally I don't mind Bernie, he's honest, the Tennis World needs more honesty as 9 out of 10 players would play just for the money ( like Bernie says he does ) as only a select few will ever win a major. The rest just play for the obscene amount of money on offer which rewards mediocrity at the highest level.
Lose first round in a Slam and take home what Mats Wilander won in 1982 for beating 4 top 10 players on his way to winning the French Open as a 17 year old.
Let's be honest here, Bernie just stated the obvious.
As far as the 'news' goes, fair dinkum, surely we can at least find some recent shots that Bernie hit at a tennis tournament and maybe, just maybe we could find a 'good' shot that Bernie hit.
However that wouldn't make people sit up and say 'what a shit tennis player he is', would it now ??
To that 'Journalist' who put it all together today, you are a fair dinkum knob.......
Regards Glenn

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